Sunday, December 14, 2008

SESSION 11: Sale Process - Handling Objections

1. Tips To Handle Sale Objections:

Video's scripts:

How would you like to end more of your sale conversations with "Yes" decision.

Your rate of close with the prospects having objections.

This is a common struggle you can put into study now.

You are just a sale person and you are a buyer too.

Sometimes, it's what you forget to be a buyer on the other side of the table.

When you're thinking about buying, you don't buy unless you have a high level of motivation to give up your hard-earned dollars to get what's been offered.

There are 7 step to helping your projects uncover their reasons why they should buy or overcoming their objections.

The prospect needs to feel confidence about their decision; and that means they need facts and proofs to logically prove the themselves they're making a good decision.

Seeing through its believing is easy to show someone a product.

However, you must provide visual skills even you're selling a service.

The prospect is making a considered decision risky.

They don't want to make a mistake and they don't want to be wrong.

So you have to take their risks away.

The prospect will wonder what qualifies you to help them if you haven't made clear from the start.

They are less concerned of how many years you've been doing this or what degrees or licenses you hold than they are with the outcome you helped others get.

Share examples or case studies to validate your claims.

Perception is reality for prospect.

You can formulate the perception of you and position yourself the way you want them to see you to this story.

This story when talked correctly makes your points for you.

The prospect likes to know other people like them having used and got values from your solutions, testimonials or excellently to demonstrate it.

You won't need all 7 steps in sale conversation.

You do want to be prepared to use any or all if necessary.

You just need to know when to use them.

A big mistake sell people young to the business makes is they get an objection response debased with the prospect.

You never want to do this.

What you want to do is let the prospect do most of the talking.

Then when you sense it would be likely for them to have an objection treated like a question; and lead into one of the 7 steps for overcoming the objection.

For example, you might say: " You know, Mary, if I were sitting in your chair right now, I've been wondering about price.

Would you mind I share this story with you about a recent client who was also concerned about price".

When you take this good approach, there are several good things happening in the prospect's mind.

They feel understand them.

They feel're helping them rather than selling them.

You're engaging them in the conversation.

You absolutely gain more control of what you want them to focus on and you're increasing their level of trust in you.

Another big mistake sale people make is responding to the 1st objection they get.

When you're getting to the close and they have objections, never presume the first several objections they're telling you are real objections.

Ask them whether objections they have until they tell you they can think of anything else, then ask.

If they were to wait remove objections you've just shared with me, is it something you're ready to act on?

This tells us people who are prospects.

If they can't say "Yes".

You know either they didn't have any for your solutions or you work to be able to help them to develop motivation to act.

Thanking them for time to move on.

If they can't make "Yes" decision, engage them by getting them to write down the risks they face and the potentials for gain they could get if they move forward.

Show them how you could remove their obstacles...keep them moving forward and you have a sale.

When increasing sale is important to you, you need the resource to make it happen.

Get the help you need at

I look forward to having you join the blog and become regular rear.

After all, you need result sale training camp because it's never the sale issue...

2. Other Resources:

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