Monday, March 2, 2009

SESSION 30: Written Test

Hi Folks,

The course is going to be ending on this Wednesday. So, there will be a written test to assess what you've picked up in the course.

The test will be a multiple-choice one in which you are asked to pick up the most right answer among choices.

Good luck and hope you enjoy the course.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

SESSION 23: List Of Topics To Be Presented

Participants are encouraged to choose a topic of his or her preference to present to the group.

1. Sales
2. Accounting
3. Customer support
4. Customization
5. Marketing
6. Advertising
7. Topic of choice

Name Topic Date

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

SESSION 22: Bookkeeping, Accounting and Auditing

1. Video:


Bookkeeping, accounting and auditing clerks have different assignments but they all have the same job.

They help keep track of the money of businesses made and spent.

Bookkeeping clerks help by preparing balance sheets and other documents summarizing organization's financial position.

Accounting clerks enter sales and purchasing transaction data.

And auditing clerks they find the figures are accurate and culculations are correct.

In small businesses, all of these functions may be performed by one individual, often a part-time employee.

And hospitals, corporations, government agencies and other large organizations, specialization is a rule.

A highschool diploma is esstential.

Post highschool, business school training or junior college course work may also be desirable.

Applicants also have strong aptitude for numbers.

To learn more about these occupations, considering volunteering to manage the books first for student group or other extra-curricular organizations.

You'll quickly see how important the person who keeps track of money really is!